Sunday, March 1, 2009

Arabic Keyboard v0.5.0b for Android

Salaam Again,

I have successfully implemented Ahmed's class. Now you can see a MUCH better linking (الحمدلله). I suspect that would be some sort if "Force Close" events, please submit as soon you find one ( let me know what was going on). It should be rare anyway. Next i will be working on
  1. Layout, better looking (Inshalla)
  2. add support to copy to other application (Inshalla), for now use the copy button or long tab on the test area
  3. better Landscape layout (Inshalla)

I won't be improving the linking till i am done with the above, since Arabic is most certainly would be supported on the next update(s). So it will only make sense to work on a keyboard ( which i doubt that Google will release soon)

I won't be updating as much since the weekend is almost over, and i have some tests before Spring Break.
I would also like to thank
Bader Aljishi for his contribute, I really appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening: I just bought a new phone (Sony Ericson XPERIA X10). I am arabic and wish to install arabic Keyboard to send and to receive SMs in Arabic. I loaded from the market Arabic Keyboards but it does not work especially to receive. could you please help me. I will appreciate it if you can help me and give me more information how to install Arabic Keyboard. My address is:
    Thanks in advance
    Sincerely yours, Claude CHAZAL
