Friday, July 17, 2009

Moving to Wordpress

Blogspot is acting weird these days, i am thinking about moving!!

I will try to move the old stuff over there soon

thank and sorry for any trouble

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Arabic Soft Keybaord 1.1

Salaam again

i have replaced the letters with images, now those with no Arabic font can use it in ease, Arabic Notepad would come in handy.. other apps you will see squares when you type, but i promise words are connected.
The area above the keyboard will help you see what you are typing.

for those who had installed an Arabic font, you will be fine with the new one, if you want the one with no images download it from here

i am going to continue supporting it for myself, so don't worry.. if you want it on the market, please express that in a comment or an email.

thanks and happy typing

Arabic Notepad

A simple note pad app that is based on Android sample included in the SDK

this would help those with no Arabic font

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Arabs eat cupcake, too

to install:
go to settings>Locale and text> check Arabic Soft Keybaord
Forgot to say

ة is double tap on ه
أ إ same goes here two and three taps on ا


as promised, an Arabic keyboard for Android cupcake is here..

available thru the market.

currently you need an Arabic font to be able to see letters and see typed words anywhere in system.

Disclaimer: Please be extra cautious while doing the below steps. I'm not responsible for any damage you might do to your phone. If you don't know what you are doing, please don't do it. proceed on your own responsibility

to Add an Arabic font you first need to have root:

follow the steps in the page.

once you have root, you need at add an Arabic font to the system:

there are two ways to do it:

1) here is the easy way to do it, but you will still need root. (to be honest, i haven't tried this way before, but it's confirmed by the website developer!!)


2) you need any Font that has Arabic (TTF only) or download it from here.

then follow these steps

1) Download DejaVu font then copy 'DejaVuSans.ttf' "tools" folder where "android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2" is, and rename it to 'DroidSansFallback.ttf'
2) Connect your G1 to your PC
3) Open command prompt and type: adb remount
4) Then type: adb push DroidSansFallback.ttf /system/fonts/
5) Restart your G1

steps taken from Dumpy Tips.

download android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2 from google website here.

if you feel overwhelmed, you should be, at least if you 've never dealt with command lines and programming languages,

I am sorry, but even after I apply a work around for the app, you will still have a problem everywhere in the system. letters will not show as Arabic.. for now Arabic font is a must! till google gives us a build were at least Arabic fonts are included